বাংলাদেশ আনসার ও গ্রাম প্রতিরক্ষা বাহিনী

Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defense Forces

Job Category :   Govt. Job 

Job Source: Dainik Ittefaq

Posted On: 6 Aug 2023

Application Deadline: 27 Aug 2023


Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defense Forces (BAVDF) is a paramilitary organization in Bangladesh. It was established in 1948 and plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order in rural areas. The primary objective of BAVDF is to support the regular law enforcement agencies and provide security to the rural population.

The organization comprises two main components: the Ansar and the Village Defense Forces (VDF). The Ansar is the core unit, responsible for general security duties, disaster management, and providing assistance during emergencies. On the other hand, the Village Defense Forces operate at the grassroots level, aiding in local security and community development.

Members of BAVDF are recruited from the local population, making it an inclusive force that closely understands and addresses the needs and challenges of rural communities. They receive training to handle various situations, including crowd control, disaster relief, and anti-poaching activities.

Over the years, BAVDF has evolved to meet the changing security requirements of the country. It has been instrumental in combating crimes, preventing smuggling, and providing assistance during natural disasters. The organization's presence in remote areas enhances the government's ability to maintain law and order, contributing to overall stability and development in Bangladesh.

However, it is essential to note that my knowledge is based on information available up to September 2021, and there might have been developments or changes in the organization beyond that date.

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