বাংলাদেশ সরকারী কর্ম কমিশন সচিবালয়

Bangladesh Public Works Commission Secretariat

Job Category: Govt. Job

Job Source: Our time

Posted On: 15 Aug 2023

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2023



The Bangladesh Public Works Commission Secretariat is a government institution responsible for overseeing public works projects and infrastructure development in Bangladesh. It plays a crucial role in planning, designing, and implementing various construction and maintenance projects, including roads, bridges, buildings, and other infrastructure. The secretariat collaborates with different government departments and agencies to ensure efficient and effective utilization of resources for the nation's development. It plays a vital role in shaping the country's physical infrastructure and contributing to its economic growth. Keep in mind that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, so there might have been developments since then.

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