


Job Category: Accounts/Finance/Auditing

Job Source: Dainik Prothom Alo

Posted On: 30 Jul 2023

Application Deadline: 14 Aug 2023


An NGO or research and development organization (NGO) is a non-profit organization that usually works to solve social and humanitarian problems and improve the status of society. These organizations generally operate on a voluntary basis and are primarily non-profit or non-profit making enterprises. NGOs carry out various activities and projects which are generally for overall development purposes like education, health care, research, environment conservation, protection of human rights, employment development, democratic development etc.

NGOs generally work mainly in the areas of social inequality, poverty alleviation, schools, hospitals, support of human rights, environmental protection, family planning, maternal health services etc. These organizations usually deal with social justice, equal rights and human resources and try to improve the position of society in different environments.

NGOs are usually registered as social organizations and raise funds to run various projects. This money usually comes from various sources, such as private donations, government grants, grants from research institutes, funds received from foreign R&D organizations, etc.

NGOs usually carry out various types of activities, such as employment development, old age homes, children's centers, women's development centers, educational institutions, hospitals and health services, environmental conservation projects, research and development centers, human rights protection, family planning, public health and general health services, Institutional development etc.

NGOs generally provide assistance and support to people from different walks of life. It usually works for the development of poor and disadvantaged people and brings change in their lives.

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