মমতা সম্পদ বিভাগ


Mamta Resources Department, Chittagong

Job Category: Driving/Motor Technician

Job Source: Daily East

Posted On: 8 Jul 2023

Application Deadline: 12 Jul 2023

Mamta Resources Department, Chittagong is a government organization dedicated to promoting and ensuring the welfare and development of women and children in the region. It plays a crucial role in implementing various programs and initiatives that aim to empower women, protect their rights, and improve the overall well-being of children.

The department focuses on addressing issues such as gender inequality, violence against women, child labor, child marriage, and child abuse. It works towards creating a safe and supportive environment for women and children, where they can thrive and reach their full potential. Through awareness campaigns, training programs, and advocacy, Mamta Resources Department strives to raise awareness about women's and children's rights and promote gender equality.

One of the key functions of the department is to provide support and assistance to vulnerable women and children in need. It offers counseling services, legal aid, and rehabilitation programs for survivors of domestic violence, trafficking, and other forms of abuse. The department also collaborates with other government agencies, NGOs, and community organizations to ensure a coordinated and effective response to the challenges faced by women and children.

Mamta Resources Department, Chittagong also plays a vital role in policy formulation and implementation related to women and children's issues. It conducts research, collects data, and provides recommendations to the government for the development of laws and policies that protect and promote the rights of women and children.

Overall, Mamta Resources Department, Chittagong is committed to creating a society where women and children can live with dignity, equality, and freedom from violence and discrimination. It serves as a catalyst for positive change, working towards a brighter future for women and children in the region.

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