অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগ, অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয়


Department of Economic Relations, Ministry of Finance

Job Category: Govt. Job

Job Source: Bangladesh Daily

Posted On: 31 Jul 2023

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2023

The Department of Economic Relations (DER) is a key department within the Ministry of Finance that is responsible for managing and coordinating the economic and financial relations of a country with other nations, international organizations, and multilateral institutions. Its primary objective is to promote economic growth and development by formulating and implementing effective economic policies and strategies.

The DER plays a crucial role in shaping the economic landscape of a country. It is responsible for formulating foreign economic policies and negotiating economic agreements with other nations. This includes bilateral agreements that foster economic cooperation and multilateral agreements that promote trade liberalization and economic integration. By engaging in these negotiations, the DER aims to expand market access for the country's goods and services, attract foreign direct investment (FDI), and promote economic cooperation on various fronts.

In addition to negotiating economic agreements, the DER also coordinates international economic cooperation. It acts as the main interface between the government and international financial institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and regional development banks. Through these interactions, the DER seeks financial assistance, loans, and grants to support the country's development projects and programs. This financial cooperation plays a vital role in funding infrastructure development, poverty alleviation, and other key sectors of the economy.

The DER also plays a crucial role in attracting FDI. It actively promotes the country as an attractive investment destination by creating a conducive environment for investors. This includes providing necessary support and incentives, streamlining investment procedures, and ensuring the protection of investors' rights. By attracting FDI, the DER aims to stimulate economic growth, create job opportunities, transfer technology and knowledge, and enhance the country's competitiveness in the global market.

Managing the country's external debt is another important function of the DER. It formulates strategies and policies to ensure the sustainability of the external debt. This involves monitoring debt levels, negotiating favorable terms and conditions with creditors, and implementing debt restructuring programs when necessary. By effectively managing the external debt, the DER safeguards the country's financial stability, maintains its creditworthiness in the international financial markets, and ensures that debt repayments do not impede economic development.

The DER also actively participates in international forums, conferences, and meetings to represent the country's economic interests and contribute to global economic governance. Through its involvement in these platforms, the DER engages in discussions and negotiations on various economic issues, including macroeconomic policies, trade barriers, financial regulations, and sustainable development. By voicing the country's concerns and advocating for its economic interests, the DER helps shape global economic policies and ensures that the country's perspectives are taken into account.

In conclusion, the Department of Economic Relations, Ministry of Finance, plays a vital role in managing and coordinating a country's economic and financial relations with other nations and international organizations. Through its functions, the DER promotes economic growth, attracts foreign investments, facilitates trade, manages external debt, and represents the country's economic interests on the global stage. With its expertise and strategic approach, the DER contributes to the formulation and implementation of effective economic policies and strategies that drive the country's development and prosperity.

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