ইসলামী ব্যাংক ফাউন্ডেশন


 Islami Bank Foundation

Job Category: Bank/Non-Bank Fin. Institution

Job Location: Dhaka, Mirpur

Employment Type: Full Time

Salary: Negotiable

Gender: Any

Age Limit: Maximum 32 year(s)

Career Level: Entry Level

Posted On: 13 Jul 2023

Application Deadline: 31 Jul 2023

Apply Instructions

a) Only shortlisted candidates will be called for written test/interview.
b) Apply online by visiting www.ibfbd.org/career and scanning the recently taken photograph and signature.
e) The Authority reserves the right to cancel or relax any condition of the notification without assigning any reason.
f) The decision of the authority in the matter of appointment shall be considered final.

Islami Bank Foundation (IBF) is a non-profit organization established in Bangladesh with the aim of promoting social welfare and development through various charitable activities. Founded in 1983, IBF operates under the guidance and support of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, one of the largest and most prominent Islamic banks in the country.

The primary objective of Islami Bank Foundation is to alleviate poverty and improve the living conditions of underprivileged individuals and communities. The foundation is committed to providing financial assistance, healthcare services, educational support, and other essential resources to those in need.

One of the key areas of focus for IBF is education. The foundation believes that education is the key to empowerment and social upliftment. To this end, IBF provides scholarships, stipends, and financial aid to deserving students from disadvantaged backgrounds. These initiatives help to ensure that talented and deserving students have access to quality education, regardless of their financial circumstances.

In addition to educational support, IBF also plays an active role in healthcare initiatives. The foundation operates several hospitals, clinics, and medical centers across the country, providing affordable healthcare services to marginalized communities. These facilities offer a range of medical services, including primary healthcare, diagnostic tests, and specialized treatments. The aim is to improve the overall health and well-being of the population, particularly those who lack access to quality healthcare.

IBF also recognizes the importance of economic empowerment for sustainable development. The foundation provides microfinance services and small business loans to individuals and entrepreneurs, enabling them to start or expand their businesses. By promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment, IBF helps to create income-generating opportunities and reduce poverty in the communities it serves.

Another significant aspect of IBF's work is its commitment to disaster relief and rehabilitation. Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, and earthquakes. IBF actively participates in relief efforts during such emergencies, providing essential supplies, medical aid, and support to affected individuals and communities. The foundation also engages in long-term rehabilitation projects, helping communities rebuild their lives and infrastructure after a disaster.

IBF's activities are guided by the principles of Islamic philanthropy, which emphasize compassion, justice, and social responsibility. The foundation ensures that its operations adhere to Islamic ethics and values, promoting fairness, transparency, and accountability in all its endeavors.

Over the years, Islami Bank Foundation has received recognition and accolades for its impactful work. The foundation's efforts have been instrumental in improving the lives of countless individuals and communities across Bangladesh. Through its dedication to social welfare and development, IBF continues to make a significant contribution to the country's progress and the well-being of its people.

In conclusion, Islami Bank Foundation is a non-profit organization in Bangladesh that is committed to promoting social welfare and development. Through its various initiatives in education, healthcare, economic empowerment, and disaster relief, IBF strives to uplift underprivileged individuals and communities. Guided by Islamic principles of philanthropy, the foundation's work has had a positive and lasting impact on the lives of many. Islami Bank Foundation serves as an exemplary model of how organizations can contribute to the betterment of society and create a more inclusive and equitable future.

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